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* Dr. Ciro Arévalo-Yepes


Deputy Ambassador
Embassy of Colombia in Austria
1010 Wien, Stadiongasse 6/8
Lawyer, Member of the Colombian Bar Association


Zur Person

Bogotá / Colombia
Dr. Ciro and Amanda
Mateo (1986), Gabriel (1989) and Felipe (1992)
Married with Irma Botero
Traditional family of Public Servants, including a former Minister of Interior and Judge at the International Court of Justice in Den Haag, Dr. José María Yepes. Geschwister: Cecilia and Fernando
Writing, art, painting, history (in-depth study of Fürst von Metternich), golf, tennis, nature, philosophy


Ciro Arévalo-Yepes


Zur Karriere

Zur Karriere von Ciro Arévalo-Yepes
Which were the most important stations in your career? Professionally I have combined diplomatic and academic activities which considered a perfect match. I'm a jurist with different degrees of specialization on International Law (which I studied at the University of Lausanne in Switzerland and Los Andes/Colombia) and concurred many different academic events. Jorge Tadeo Lozano, University of Bogotá, designated me as Dean of the International Relations Postgraduate Faculty, which has an important achievement and honour. It was then the occasion to participate on the creation on different think-tanks on international relations. In my diplomatic career I started in the multilateral affairs in Geneva in the Colombian Mission to the United Nations. Then from 1987 until 1992 Consul General in Sydney and Dean of the Diplomatic corps to the Australian Government, it was the occasion of knowing the oceanic cultures of the Melanesian and Polynesian backgrounds and to work in bilateral matters. Since 1999 I work as a Deputy Ambassador to the United Nations in Vienna dealing particularly with atomic matters and international space law. As far as languages are concerned, I learned French in Switzerland, English in England and Australia and German in Germany and Austria. Spanish is my mother tongue.

Zum Erfolg

Zum Erfolg von Ciro Arévalo-Yepes
How do you personally define success? Above all one has to differentiate what is success and then how to obtain it. Success is a subjective and relative concept that involves different factors: those depending on your main professional and personal goals and the capacity to accomplish them, and those dealing with your environment. In my opinion success has to be seen in a holistic approach, which connects your inner dimension with the outside world activities. In today's life one observes so many fractionate persons, partially achieving some kind of success and therefore not fully satisfied with their lives. One has to search for an integrating approach which, like a kaleidoscope, irradiates all the positive expression of your life given trust and confidence to your inner circle and therefore contributes to build a better society.
What were the decisive factors of your success? I have a very clear look on what is my past and my history. That helps a lot. Another fact is my vision about the positive aspects of international relationships, which you only can learn from the contact with many other diplomats.
What would you regard as more promising: originality of imitation? One has to avoid mixing imitation with the learning process based on past experiences. The accumulation of knowledge is based upon acute observation and has to be taken into account in order to avoid mistakes of the past. I believe that until the age of 35 one has to build patiently his own role model based upon his strengths and genuine ambitions. Only then your one is in a position to draft his roadmap or projet de vie for which you should work passionately with strong commitment. Then you can impregnate the whole with your own personal mark, known as originality. In my personal case as a diplomat I have to add a full devotion and dedication to my country. Serving it is not only a very serious responsibility but also a great honour.
Did anybody have a special influence on your career? In particular I admire Clemens Von Metternich for the significant role he played in reshaping Europe throughout his diplomatic skills and sharp intellect, the French philosopher Jean Jaques Rousseau for his perceptions on social and personal ethics and finally the Colombian thinker Nicolas Gómez Dávila for the brightness of his mind and irreverent observations on human behaviour.
How relevant are fellow employees? In all my professional life my colleagues played a substantial role. I consider that objectives achieved professionally are the result of well-proved mechanisms of hard working teams. It is an Esprit du Corps based on unity of purposes that creates the synergy necessary to team realization as well as for individuals. It is, in my particular case, also the result of the trust and empowerment given to me by my superiors during my entire diplomatic career.
Do you have any advice for the next generation? First advice: not to be afraid of reshaping former paradigms or create new ones. They may act like that not only for the sake of their generational contradictory behaviour but also to release their creativity potential and in doing so to honour the evolution of thought. That has to be well balanced with a respectful consideration of the human experience. Also to be aware that nothing can be achieved without effort. The sacred formula is ten percent of inspiration and ninety percent of transpiration. Finally I have to express my trust in the new generations. They have a much early perception of the role they could play individually, environmentally and globally. I personally observe that throughout Mateo, Gabriel and Felipe, my own children. I daily learn from their wisdom and love.
What are your goals for the future? In the future I want to intensify my work for the American und Colombian space activities, especially space laws.
Do you have a motto? My motto is to reach serenity.


Co-author of „Profile of the International Colombian Negotiator“ with Finnish and Colombian researchers, Promotor of a number of multilateral proposals relating to the Geostationary Orbit/Space Matters, Space and Society and Space and Education, Applications of Space Science and Technology in the Americans and its benefits for the Civil Society, Papers presented in a number of Fora relating to Capacity Building in Space Law.


International law Awards: May 1996, Leader Grant Programme, granted by the U.S. Information Agency, September 1997, Canadian Faculty Enrichment Programme, granted by the Canadian Government, Canton de Vaud Law Fellowship, granted by the Swiss Government.


Founding Member of the Latin American Association of Afro-Asiatic Studies ALADAA, Member of the Slovakian Society for the Relations with Latin America, 2003, Member of the International Institute of Space Law, IISL, Paris, 2004, Member of the Expert Group on Space Matters for COPUOS, Member of the Latin-American Academic Committee at the Donau University Krems-Austria.


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170292 - Portrait Ransböck Sabine
170291 - Wagner Thomas DiplIng BA - Portrait - Webasto
170290 - Dr Raphael Holzinger - Portrait
170289 - Griessmair-Farkas Katalin-Andrea - portrait WGKoch_20200123_FGW_0574
170288 - DominikSengwein
170287 - Weinberger-Fritz marion mag - Portrait - Raiffeisen Vorsorge Wohnung
170286 - portrait Susanne Dachgruber
170285 - dr Rober Löw - Portrait
170284 - Portrait Widschwendter Kopie
170283 - Ankerbrot_Tina Schrettner_Portraitbild
170282 - Katharina Braunsteiner-Leeb - Portrait
170280 - Markus Korunek - Portrait - Schrack Seconet
170279 - Polivanova-Rosenauer Tatjana - Portrait
170278 - Mag Dieter Freund - Portrait
170277 - Reinhard Pachner - Portrait
170275 - Portrait Walter Bostelmann
170276 - Prof DI Clemens Resch - Portraitbild
170274 - Portrait Thaurer Philipp
170273 - Mueller-Stingl - Portrait
170272 - Kren Berthold - Portraitbild
170271 - Mag Fink-Ronald-Portraitbild
170270 - Poindl Alexander - Portrait
170269 - Christian Voith - Uniqa - Portrait
150679 - Neumann Christian Andreas - Portraitfoto
170268 - Stephanie Poller - Falkensteiner
170267 - Daniela_Tarra_Portraitbild
170266 - Nemetschke Christoph B.A. - Bondi Consult GmbH
170140 - guserl - Portraitbild2
170265 - Dr. Rudolf Hopfgartner - Portrait
170264 - Portrait - Joachim Trauner - china-airlines
170263 - Mag Katja Reichl - Portrait - BDO
170262 - Czipin Deak Veronika - Portrait
170261 - Kurt Kalla - portraitbild
170260 - DI Mag Ing Michael Toth - Portraitbild Kopie
170259 - DI Josef-Dieter Deix - Portraitfoto
170258 - Robert Kaup - Portrait
170257 - Dörr Petra
Mag Margherita Kern
170255 - DI Rene Forsthuber - Portrait
170254 - Ante_Banovac Portrait
170253 - Portrait - ing Michael Adamik
170252 - Portrait - lutzky Wolfgang
170240 - Ing Kurt Göppner
170251 - Mag Regina_Sturm-Lenhart
170250 - mag Michaela Hebein - portraitfoto-b
170249 - DI Diethart Weiss
170248 - Portrait - DI Martin Johann Böck
170247 - Chalupa Gerda Ing - Portrait b
170246 - florian löschenberger Portrait schmal
170245 - Johannes Kreiner portrait e
170244 - DI Roland Pichler
170241 - Portrait Mag Veronika Seitweger
170243 - Doris Kropacz
170242 - Portrait_Olsacher
40156 - DI Rudolf J. Bauer - Portrait
170168 Christian Schimkowitsch
Ing. Bernhard Romirer, BA MA
170239 - Portrait Philipp Rupert Smula
170237 - Haimovici - Portrait
170238 - Mag Christoph Kullnig
80724 - Mag Dr Philip Harmer LLM
Alexander Sedlak Alexander portrait 72
30858 - Wagner Robert
71239 - Portrait_Rosinger Gregor 42x56
Mag. Daniel Scherling
170034 - Portrait Wittmann
170236 - Portrait Marija Marjanovic
170112 - Portrait Richard Zarycka
170235 - Johannes Litschauer_Portrait_EBCONT
170233 - Michael Mann - Portraitbild
170232 - Ing Alexander Brunnthaler
170231 - Klimetschek Heinrich Portrait
170245 - Johannes Kreiner portrait e
170230 - Portrait-Foto KRAUS Michael
170229 - Portrait-Foto mag christoph kopp
170228 - Mag. Petra Miteff - Portrait
131593 - Günther Weiss - HDI Versicherung
170227 - Keimelmayr Katharina - Portrait b
170226 - mag Hendrich msc - Portrait b
61054 Kessler Franz Portrait
60151 - Dr Franz Radatz - Portraitfoto
170225 helmut-maier b - Portraitoto
131692 - Surendra Chaudhry
170224 - Ing Alfred Doppler - Cegelec
170223 - Christoph Monschein b ©PhilippZeppelzauer
170222 - DI Oliver Schmerold
160173 - Dr Alfred Taudes - Portrait
90311 - Panhauser Werner Andreas - portrait - c
170221 - Herbert Kronaus
170220 - Dr. Klaus Koban MBA
Mario Heinisch - Portrait b
Mag. Hans Jörg Ulreich
Dennis Iwaskiewicz
Mag. Wolfgang Dibiasi
Ing. Klaus-Michael Hatzinger
Mag. Alexander Friedrich
Nino Hanjes
Wolf Michael ing neueste
Mag. Peter Bartos
91054 Gunther Palme Gunther
Ing. Erwin Ulreich
Romana Drobec
WUKOVITS, Mag. Christian (Kone AG) _ 12



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